RCP System - Tools
Record keeping - getting started
In Proplanum, you can easily track and manage your team's working hours using the Time Registration System (TRS). It allows employees to record their working hours through various methods, and enables you to monitor, edit, and export this data to the payroll. This article is intended for system users with the roles of Supervisor, Location Manager, and Organization Administrator, who are responsible for controlling, monitoring, and managing employees' working hours. Getting Started wFew readersExports
Eksports are the process of extracting selected data from the program's database and saving it in a format for use in other programs. Proplanum offers an intuitive solution that enables quick generation of HR and payroll reports. Only users with the role of Location Manager, Advisor or Organization Administrator can generate exports. Benefits of automatic exports in Proplanum compared to manual processing: Precision - automatic exports eliminate errors associated withFew readers
Work Time Records
Types of time tracking
In Proplanum, the RCP (Work Time Registration) module allows employees to record their activities throughout the day. The settings regarding the method of work time registration can be configured by users with Organization Administrator, Location Manager, and Advisor permissions. More tips on settings can be found in the article "Work hours settings in the location".Few readersCorrecting and approving work time
If you are a Supervisor, Location Manager, or Organization Administrator, you have the authority to correct your employees' working hours. This feature is useful when an employee forgets to log their working hours. Only a supervisor can make corrections. If you are starting to use the RCP tool for time tracking and want to get to know it better, we invite you to read the article "Record keeping - getting started". (https://help.proplanum.com/en/article/record-keeping-getting-started-3jaFew readersRCP system and GPS location
If you want to ensure that employees are clocking in at the company and not elsewhere, enable GPS location verification when clocking in. This will allow you to track whether employees are on-site when starting and ending their shifts. How to enable the GPS feature in Proplanum? Log in toSome readers
RCP Preferences Settings
Setting work hours tolerance
In Proplanum you can precisely configure the working hours settings for your employees at a selected location. This article will guide you step by step through the configuration process, including setting working hours tolerance. These settings are available for Organization Administrator, Advisor and Location Manager.Few readersConfiguring break types
If you want to track your employees' breaks, you can enable this option in the application. This way, you will be able to easily control both working hours and break hours. This article will guide you step by step through the process of configuring break types. These settings are available for Organization Administrator, Advisor and Location Manager.Few readersOvertime settings
In Proplanum, you can precisely configure the working time settings for employees in a selected location. This article will guide you step by step through the process of configuring overtime settings. They are available for Organization Administrator, Advisor, and Location Manager. Configuring OveFew readersWork time alerts
If you are an Organization Administrator, Location Manager or Advisor, this article is for you. You will learn what work time alerts are and how to configure them in Proplanum. Alerts are messages sent to the supervisor that inform about any discrepancies between the scheduled and actual work time. Benefits of alerts Thanks to work time alerts, you can quickly respond to issues related to time tracking, which allows for better team management and more accurate settlements. DeteFew readers
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