Adding team members
Defining the organizational structure of the company
What is a company structure? A company structure is an organizational chart that shows the hierarchy and layout of different departments, teams, and roles. It defines who is responsible for specific tasks and how communication flows within the company. A good structure allows for the appropriate division of duties and competencies as well as the segmentation of employees. Creating a hierarchy ensures order in the functioning of the company. ( readersAdding team members
Before you start adding employees to the organization in Proplanum, make sure you have the required permissions - you must be an Organization Administrator, Advisor, or Location Manager. Adding team members is one of the first steps when setting up an organization account in Proplanum. Here’s how to do it: Manually adding a new employee After logging into Proplanum, go to the “Team” tab. Click the “Add Employee” icon in the top right corner. Fill in the fields with the eSome readersImport of employees into the system
Importing employees is one of the methods for adding team members in Proplanum. It involves collectively entering employee data using a prepared template, which significantly speeds up the process of creating the company's organizational structure. In this article, we will guide you step by step on how to efficiently import your team's data. However, if you want to use other methods of adding users, please refer to the article "Adding team members" ( readersUser access levels in Proplanum
Proplanum allows for precise determination of what your team members can see and do, making daily management easier. The application has different access levels that define user permissions for various functions. Access Levels Organization Administrator Description: The highest access level on the platform. Permissions: Can do everything in the system, including managing all users and functions. User Type: Typically business owners. Location ManagerFew readersArchiving and restoring team members
If an employee is no longer part of your organization and you want to revoke their access to the Proplanum application, you can archive their account. What does archiving a team member mean? Archiving an employee's account prevents them from accessing your organization in Proplanum. This happens when an employee resigns or you terminate their employment. How to archive team members? Open the Proplanum applFew readers
Frequently asked questions
How can I change the access levels of other users?
Changing Access Level Administrator, advisor, and location manager can change user access levels in Proplanum. Here’s how to do it: Log in to Proplanum and select the “Team” tab. From the list of employees, select the person whose access level you want to change. Click the three-dot icon next to the selected employee and choose “Edit”. ( readersAt what level can the contact details of other team members be edited?
Editing contact details of team members in Proplanum is restricted to users with specific permission levels. Here are the details regarding these permissions: How to edit an employee's contact details? If you have the appropriate permissions, follow the steps below to edit an employee's details: Open your web browser and log in to your Proplanum account. InFew readersHow to deactivate an employee?
Both Administrator, Location Manager, and Advisor have the ability to deactivate an account assigned to a given employee, which means archiving it. Here is what it means in practice. Deactivating an employee's account involves disabling their access to the application and its resources. The employee's profile becomes inactive, which means that: The employee will not be able to log into the Proplanum system. The employee will not have access to the company's confidential informationFew readersHow can I restore an employee that I previously archived?
At any time, you can restore a previously archived employee in Proplanum. Here are the steps to follow: Open the Proplanum application in your web browser and log in to your account. On the top navigation bar, select the "Team" tab. From the toolbar, select the filter concerning employee status. Check the "Archived" option and click the "Filter" button. From the list of archived employees, select the person you want to restore. Click the three-dot options icon and selFew readersDo archived employees count towards paid seats?
Archiving an employee in Proplanum means deactivating their account in the application. This means that the employee will not have access to any information about your company in Proplanum. Important Information Account Deactivation - an archived employee no longer has access to any company data and information in Proplanum. Licenses - an archived employee does not count towards paid seats. By moving a user to the archive, their seat is freed up, and the administrator gainsFew readersHow to check if a team member has accepted the invitation?
If you want to check who among your employees has accepted the invitation to Proplanum, follow these steps: Open your web browser and log in to your Proplanum account. In the main view of the application, click on the "Team" tab. In the main view of the employee list, find the column named "Status". In this column, you can see the status of the invitations to theFew readers
Editing team member information
Employee personal data settings
After configuring the location in Proplanum, it's time to add your team. Organization Administrator, Advisor and Location Manager have the permissions to add and edit organization members' data. Each of these users, upon logging into the system, can view and modify employee data. Editing Employee Personal Data Open your web browser and log in to Proplanum. From the main dashboard, go to the "Team" tab. In the main view, you will see a list of previously entered employeSome readersSettings for the employee's work schedule and RCP
Remember that configuring an employee's work schedule and time tracking (RCP) settings is only available to users with Organization Administrator, Location Manager, and Advisor permissions. Configuration Steps Open your web browser and log in to your Proplanum account. In the main view of the application, click the "Team" tab. From the list of employees, select the person for whom you want to set the schedule and working hours. Click the options icon (three doFew readersSetting regular working hours for a team member
Remember that the function to set regular working hours for a team member is only available to users with Organization Administrator, Location Manager and Advisor permissions. Why set regular working hours? If you have employees in your team who have a work contract with regular days and hours, it is a good idea to use the function to set regular working hours. This way, when creating work schedules, you can be sure that the employees will be scheduled for the appropriate days anFew readersConfiguring employment details of a team member
This article is intended for users with Organization Administrator, Advisor and Location Manager access levels. Employees and Managers do not have permissions to edit employment details information. To configure employment details for a selected team member, follow the steps below. Open your web browser and log in to your Proplanum account. In the main view of the application, select the “Team” tab. From the list of employees, select the person for whom you want to configurFew readersSettings for rates and wages
This article is intended for users with Organization Administrator, Advisor and Location Manager access levels. Employees and Managers do not have permissions to view or edit employment details. How to set salary details for an employee? Open your web browser and log in to your Proplanum account. In the main view of the application, select the "Team" tab. From the list of employees, select the person for whom you want to configure employment details. Click the optiFew readers