Employee personal data settings
After configuring the location in Proplanum, it's time to add your team. Organization Administrator, Advisor and Location Manager have the permissions to add and edit organization members' data. Each of these users, upon logging into the system, can view and modify employee data.
Open your web browser and log in to Proplanum.
From the main dashboard, go to the "Team" tab.
In the main view, you will see a list of previously entered employees. At the end of each employee's row, there is a button to edit personal data.
Select "Edit" from the dropdown list.

The employee's profile with their personal data will be displayed.

Here you can:
attach the employee's profile picture and edit other data such as first name, last name, phone number.
specify the employee's workplace - the main location. The employee can also have an additional workplace assigned. Depending on the company's structure and work requirements, you can assign users several additional locations.
check or change the user's status.
Proplanum distinguishes several types of statuses:
Active - the employee has completed the registration process and logged in to Proplanum for the first time.
Invited - an invitation email with an activation code has been sent to the new user.
Pending - the user has received a registration link and is awaiting approval from a supervisor.
Archived - the employee has been moved to the archive and is no longer active. Defining the role:
define the employee's role in the organization by selecting from the available options: Employee, Supervisor, Location Manager, Advisor, or System Administrator.
assign positions - assign a position to the employee using the plus button. The system allows assigning multiple positions to one employee (e.g., the Customer Service Manager can also be a Customer Advisor).
Remember: You can only assign positions to an employee that are available in a specific location. If you want to assign a new position to your employee, you must first create that position in the given location. You can learn how to do this in the article "Managing positions and tags in locations"
assign tags - use the tag function to assign keywords or labels to employees. For example, you can tag employees of a specific branch. Administrator, Manager and Advisor can define their own tags in locations.
Editing Employee Personal Data
Open your web browser and log in to Proplanum.
From the main dashboard, go to the "Team" tab.
In the main view, you will see a list of previously entered employees. At the end of each employee's row, there is a button to edit personal data.
Select "Edit" from the dropdown list.

The employee's profile with their personal data will be displayed.

Here you can:
attach the employee's profile picture and edit other data such as first name, last name, phone number.
specify the employee's workplace - the main location. The employee can also have an additional workplace assigned. Depending on the company's structure and work requirements, you can assign users several additional locations.
check or change the user's status.
Proplanum distinguishes several types of statuses:
Active - the employee has completed the registration process and logged in to Proplanum for the first time.
Invited - an invitation email with an activation code has been sent to the new user.
Pending - the user has received a registration link and is awaiting approval from a supervisor.
Archived - the employee has been moved to the archive and is no longer active. Defining the role:
define the employee's role in the organization by selecting from the available options: Employee, Supervisor, Location Manager, Advisor, or System Administrator.
assign positions - assign a position to the employee using the plus button. The system allows assigning multiple positions to one employee (e.g., the Customer Service Manager can also be a Customer Advisor).
Remember: You can only assign positions to an employee that are available in a specific location. If you want to assign a new position to your employee, you must first create that position in the given location. You can learn how to do this in the article "Managing positions and tags in locations"
assign tags - use the tag function to assign keywords or labels to employees. For example, you can tag employees of a specific branch. Administrator, Manager and Advisor can define their own tags in locations.
Updated on: 31/07/2024
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