Articles on: Applications

Who can submit a leave request?

Creating and submitting leave requests in Proplanum allows employees to take time off from work. These requests can be managed by Organization Administrators and Location Managers, who can approve or reject them. All requests are visible in the calendar, making it easier to plan work schedules.

Users Authorized to Submit Leave Requests

Important: Every Proplanum user, except for the Advisor role, can create and add new leave requests. The availability of these requests depends on the type of contract with the employer, who assigns the appropriate types of requests to the employee's account.

Information for Employees

Types of available requests - depend on the contract with the employer and are assigned to your account.
Creating a request - you can create and submit only your own request.
On-demand leave or sick leave - your supervisor can submit a leave request for you in emergencies. You can inform them about it through the chat in Proplanum.
Access to leave limits information - you have constant access to information on how many leave days you have left to use.

Information for Supervisors:

Types of available requests - depend on the agreement with the employer and are assigned to your account.
Creating a request - you can create and submit your own leave request or for other employees you manage.
Visibility of requests - all requests, both approved and pending, are visible in the calendar and during work schedule planning.
Submitting a request by a supervisor - Your supervisor – Location Manager can also submit a leave request for you, e.g., in case you take a leave on demand.

Information for Location Managers:

Types of available requests - depend on the agreement with the employer and are assigned to your account.
Creating a request - you can create and submit leave requests both for yourself and for your employees.
Managing requests - you have the authority to approve or reject all leave requests from your employees. You will receive information about new requests via an in-app notification.
Visibility of requests - all requests, both approved and pending, are visible in the calendar and during work schedule planning. Supervisors also have access to this information.

How to create and submit a leave request?

You can submit a leave request using a web browser or a mobile app.

Submitting a leave request through a web browser

Open your web browser and log in to your Proplanum account.
Go to the "Requests" tab:
In the top right corner, click the "Add request" option.
In the new window, select the desired date range for your leave in the calendar.
Go to the detailed request settings by selecting the appropriate options:

Learn more about the details of submitting a request in Proplanum in the article "Submit a leave request and more"

After filling in all the required fields, click the "Submit request" button.

Submitting a leave request through the mobile app

Log in to the Proplanum mobile app.
On the main dashboard of the app, click the "Requests" tab at the bottom of the page.
Select the plus icon in the bottom right corner.

Choose the type of request. For limited requests, the number of used and available days is visible.

Select the detailed settings from the available options.

More about the details of submitting an application in Proplanum can be found in the article "Submit a leave request and more"

After filling in all the required fields, click the "Submit request" button.

All the requests you have submitted will be visible on the request list along with the current status.

Important: You will be notified of the status change of the request by your supervisor. The approved leave will be automatically marked in your work schedule.

You can easily check your leave limits in the mobile application and using a web browser. More on this topic can be found here

Important: The request limits will also be visible when submitting a request.

Submitting other types of requests in Proplanum looks the same as for leave requests. The procedure is identical, regardless of the type. Depending on the settings specified by your company, some requests may not require supervisor approval.

After submitting the application, you will receive a notification of its acceptance or rejection by the manager. Proplanum will also automatically notify your supervisor about the new application.

Updated on: 31/07/2024

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