Articles on: Applications

Who can approve requests?

In Proplanum, the permissions to approve or reject employee requests are held by Location Managers and Organization Administrators.

Approving Requests

Depending on the settings, leave requests can be automatically approved by the application or may require approval by specific users. These options can be customized to your preferences and requirements in the company settings as an administrator. You can learn more about this in the article "Request Type Settings"

As a Location Manager or Organization Administrator in Proplanum, you have the permissions to approve or reject requests submitted by employees. You can do this using both the web browser and the mobile application.

Requests in the Web Browser

Log in to Proplanum. After logging in, the main dashboard of the application will be displayed, where you will see the statuses of upcoming requests, including the number of requests pending approval.

Remember: At this point, you can already accept or reject your employee's request.

To view the full list of requests, go to the "Requests" tab.
You will find all the requests submitted by your employees, divided into three groups:
To be reviewed - waiting for your approval.
Approved - have been approved.
Rejected - have been denied.

Select the request you want to review and click the green icon (acceptance) or the red icon (rejection).

Additional request options

View employee availability calendar. - select the "Calendar" icon in the upper right corner

You will see all the requests submitted by employees for a specified period on the calendar. After selecting a specific request, you will see its details and status.

In the list view of requests, click the options button with three dots next to the selected item, and from the dropdown list, choose one of the options.

View employee leave limits.

See request history.

View request details.

Requests in the mobile app

Log in to the mobile app. On the main dashboard, you will see information about the number of requests.

Go to the "Requests" tab. There you will find all the requests submitted by your employees. Requests assigned to specific days have their status.

Select the request to see its details, then at the bottom of the screen choose the option "Accept" or "Reject".

Important: After reviewing the request, whether you do it through the web browser or the mobile app, its status will be updated. The app will automatically send a notification to the employee, informing them of the decision. This makes the leave granting process quick and convenient, without unnecessary paperwork.

Updated on: 31/07/2024

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