Copying the schedule
In the Schedule tool, you can plan shifts manually or use automatic functions. To speed up the planning process, there is an option to copy schedules. This option is intended for Supervisors, Location Managers, and Organization Administrators responsible for team work planning. Further in the article, you will find details about the schedule copying options.
Important: Remember that the Copy option only works in single location view. From the left-hand toolbar in the Locations pane, you need to select one item.
In the Schedule tool, select one location from the left-hand toolbar.
After selecting the location, the "Copy" button will appear on the right side of the toolbar.
From the dropdown list, select the copying method.
Copy the schedule from existing to the selected time period (week or two weeks).
In the new window, select the period from which you want to copy the schedule, and the target period.

Remember: You can only copy the schedule to a future period. You cannot use this option if the given period has already started. The system will inform you with an appropriate message in such a situation.

Skip changes in case of conflicts - selecting this option means that if there are already planned absences in the future period, changes for the given employee will be skipped. Without selecting this option, changes for the employee that cannot be assigned to them in the future (e.g., due to vacation) will go to the "Unassigned changes" window.
Important: The system interprets only accepted requests and published changes as conflict cases in the schedule. This means that unreviewed requests or unpublished changes will not be interpreted by the system as a conflict.
Schedule planned for the period 08.07 to 14.07.

I want to copy the schedule for the period 29.07 - 04.08, without the option to skip conflicts. After clicking "Save" a window will appear with information about the number of shifts added for the future period, shifts skipped, and the number of shifts added as unassigned. In our case, 3 shifts were added to "Unassigned Shifts".

The changes concern three shifts planned for the employee Andrzej Wiśniewski from the period of July 9 to 10

The employee in the future period is on sick leave for two days.

In the copied schedule for the future period, all shifts were copied, while three shifts for the employee Andrzej Wiśniewski, who will be on sick leave, were assigned to unassigned shifts.

After clicking "Publish" the changes will be saved to the schedule, and employees will receive a notification on their account.

Remember: Copied changes that are in the "Unassigned changes" window can be assigned to other employees. The system will by default suggest available people for the given position.
Save the currently planned schedule as a template to use it for future periods.
In the new window, add the name and description of the new template. You can create templates for different periods, e.g., holiday, festive, considering temporary or seasonal employees. Describe the new template according to your preferences.

After clicking "Save" the new template will be saved.
Load a template from your created list for a selected future period.
Select the schedule view for the future period for which you want to load the template.

Remember: You can only load a template for a future, not yet started period.
After selecting the "Copy" ➡️ "Load template" option, a new window will appear with a list of templates you have created.

From the available list, select the type of template you want to use.
After clicking "Load", a dropdown list with available options will appear:
Load everything
Load to unassigned

The system will load the work schedule exactly as it was saved in the template. Changes assigned to employees in the template will be assigned to employees for the planned period. However, changes that cannot be assigned to employees due to conflicts, e.g., an employee has approved leave, will be placed in the "Unassigned changes" window for the future period.

Important: If an employee's request has not been approved or the change is scheduled but not published, the system will not treat this as a conflict and will load the scheduled changes from the template.
Example: An employee has submitted a leave request, but it has not yet been processed, so the system does not treat this situation as a conflict. Changes from the loaded template have been assigned to the given employee.

After loading the template and making any necessary adjustments to the shifts, click "Save" in the upper right corner to publish the schedule.
All shifts from the saved template (regardless of whether they were assigned to employees or to unassigned shifts) in the planned schedule for the next period will be placed in the "Unassigned Shifts" window.

Select from the "Unassigned changes" window the change you want to assign to your employees. Click the second "Edit" icon.

In the new window, click on the Employees field, and a dropdown list with employees in the given position will appear.
Important: The system will by default suggest only those employees who meet the specified criteria of the planned change (have the appropriate position assigned).

After clicking "Save" the change will be assigned to the employee in draft mode and will appear on the schedule.
Click in the upper right corner "Publish" to save the changes and notify the employees in their applications.
Read more about automatic ways to generate work schedules in the Schedule Planning category in the "Quick schedule generation options". section.
Rozumiem, że nie dostarczyłeś jeszcze tekstu do przetłumaczenia. Proszę wprowadź artykuł bazy wiedzy, który chcesz przetłumaczyć na angielski.
Important: Remember that the Copy option only works in single location view. From the left-hand toolbar in the Locations pane, you need to select one item.
In the Schedule tool, select one location from the left-hand toolbar.
After selecting the location, the "Copy" button will appear on the right side of the toolbar.

From the dropdown list, select the copying method.
Schedule copying options
Copy schedule
Copy the schedule from existing to the selected time period (week or two weeks).
In the new window, select the period from which you want to copy the schedule, and the target period.

Remember: You can only copy the schedule to a future period. You cannot use this option if the given period has already started. The system will inform you with an appropriate message in such a situation.

Skip changes in case of conflicts - selecting this option means that if there are already planned absences in the future period, changes for the given employee will be skipped. Without selecting this option, changes for the employee that cannot be assigned to them in the future (e.g., due to vacation) will go to the "Unassigned changes" window.
Important: The system interprets only accepted requests and published changes as conflict cases in the schedule. This means that unreviewed requests or unpublished changes will not be interpreted by the system as a conflict.
Schedule planned for the period 08.07 to 14.07.

I want to copy the schedule for the period 29.07 - 04.08, without the option to skip conflicts. After clicking "Save" a window will appear with information about the number of shifts added for the future period, shifts skipped, and the number of shifts added as unassigned. In our case, 3 shifts were added to "Unassigned Shifts".

The changes concern three shifts planned for the employee Andrzej Wiśniewski from the period of July 9 to 10

The employee in the future period is on sick leave for two days.

In the copied schedule for the future period, all shifts were copied, while three shifts for the employee Andrzej Wiśniewski, who will be on sick leave, were assigned to unassigned shifts.

After clicking "Publish" the changes will be saved to the schedule, and employees will receive a notification on their account.

Remember: Copied changes that are in the "Unassigned changes" window can be assigned to other employees. The system will by default suggest available people for the given position.
Save template
Save the currently planned schedule as a template to use it for future periods.
In the new window, add the name and description of the new template. You can create templates for different periods, e.g., holiday, festive, considering temporary or seasonal employees. Describe the new template according to your preferences.

After clicking "Save" the new template will be saved.
Load template
Load a template from your created list for a selected future period.
Select the schedule view for the future period for which you want to load the template.

Remember: You can only load a template for a future, not yet started period.
After selecting the "Copy" ➡️ "Load template" option, a new window will appear with a list of templates you have created.

From the available list, select the type of template you want to use.
After clicking "Load", a dropdown list with available options will appear:
Load everything
Load to unassigned

Load everything
The system will load the work schedule exactly as it was saved in the template. Changes assigned to employees in the template will be assigned to employees for the planned period. However, changes that cannot be assigned to employees due to conflicts, e.g., an employee has approved leave, will be placed in the "Unassigned changes" window for the future period.

Important: If an employee's request has not been approved or the change is scheduled but not published, the system will not treat this as a conflict and will load the scheduled changes from the template.
Example: An employee has submitted a leave request, but it has not yet been processed, so the system does not treat this situation as a conflict. Changes from the loaded template have been assigned to the given employee.

After loading the template and making any necessary adjustments to the shifts, click "Save" in the upper right corner to publish the schedule.
Load to Unassigned
All shifts from the saved template (regardless of whether they were assigned to employees or to unassigned shifts) in the planned schedule for the next period will be placed in the "Unassigned Shifts" window.

Select from the "Unassigned changes" window the change you want to assign to your employees. Click the second "Edit" icon.

In the new window, click on the Employees field, and a dropdown list with employees in the given position will appear.
Important: The system will by default suggest only those employees who meet the specified criteria of the planned change (have the appropriate position assigned).

After clicking "Save" the change will be assigned to the employee in draft mode and will appear on the schedule.
Click in the upper right corner "Publish" to save the changes and notify the employees in their applications.
Read more about automatic ways to generate work schedules in the Schedule Planning category in the "Quick schedule generation options". section.
Rozumiem, że nie dostarczyłeś jeszcze tekstu do przetłumaczenia. Proszę wprowadź artykuł bazy wiedzy, który chcesz przetłumaczyć na angielski.
Updated on: 01/08/2024
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