Articles on: Task Management

What are tasks?

Tasks are specific activities or responsibilities assigned to a particular employee based on their qualifications, skills, and experience by their supervisors.

What capabilities does the Proplanum application offer in terms of task management?

The Task Manager enables effective planning and organization of work. You can create, assign, and monitor tasks, use various management options, and manage the details of each task.

Assigning tasks
Tasks can be generated by Organization Administrators, Location Managers, and Supervisors.
Employees can also create tasks for themselves and others.
Users can create information, tasks, and subtasks for more complex projects.

Monitoring tasks
Supervisors, Location Managers, and Administrators can control the execution of assigned tasks through statuses.
Employees can track and mark their completed duties by changing their status.

The application enables communication and collaboration within the company on joint projects or tasks.

Task History
You can continuously monitor the individual stages of each task, which allows for better management and assessment of progress.

Remember: You can also view and manage your tasks in the mobile application.

Updated on: 31/07/2024

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