Articles on: Task Management

Types and creation of tasks

Proplanum enables duty planning through task creation and assignment, as well as information dissemination. This allows you to efficiently manage your team's work.

The task manager allows for:

Accurate and precise duty planning.
Quick and efficient information dissemination.
Control over task execution and timeliness.

Types of tasks

1. Tasks

Description: Planning employee duties with a specified completion date. You can create single or recurring tasks, for one person or an entire group.
Features: Setting task status, adding subtasks, controlling execution stages and timeliness.

2. Information

Description: Disseminating information to a single person, group, or entire team. Ideal for communications such as company meetings or reports.
Features: Setting start and end dates, adding descriptions and details, setting recurrence.

Creating tasks

Remember: Tasks can be created by all Proplanum users except those with Advisor permissions.

Open your online Proplanum application and log in to your account.
In the main view of the application, click the "Tasks" tab. You will see a list of tasks assigned to specific days.

Remember: Tasks are grouped. Choose the appropriate tab for yourself

Click the "Add Task" button in the upper right corner.

A "New Task" window will appear.

Fill in the task details fields.
In the "Type" window, select "Task"
Set the task status. Choose one option from the dropdown list: Not Started, In Progress or Rejected.
Select the people you want to assign to the task. It can be one person, a group, or the entire team.
Specify the task recurrence. You can create:
a) Single task – a task will be created on a specified date, and after its completion, it will not be automatically repeated in future periods.
b) Recurring task – the task will be recurring within the time period specified by you

Set the task period:
a) For a single task – select the start date and due date from the calendar
b) For a recurring task – select the day from the calendar and set the remaining parameters

Add the task name and describe its content in detail.
If you need a more complex task, add subtasks.

After filling in all the fields, click "Save". The task will be created, and all assigned employees will be notified in their applications.

Important: The button "Create as a separate task for each person" means that tasks will be created separately for each person on the assigned list, so each employee in the group will receive their own task. Use it if you want to track the progress of the task individually for each person.

Creating Information

Information, just like tasks, can be created by all Proplanum users except those with Advisor permissions.

Open your Proplanum web application and log in to your account.
In the main view of the application, click the "Tasks" tab. You will see a list of tasks assigned to specific days.

Remember: Tasks are grouped. Choose the appropriate tab for yourself

Click the "Add Task" button in the upper right corner.

A "New Task" window will appear.

Fill in the task details fields.
In the "Type" window, select the "Information" option.
Choose the people you want to assign to the task. It can be one person, a group, or the entire team.
Specify the task's recurrence. You can create:
a) Single task – information will be created on a specified date, and after its completion, it will not be automatically repeated in future periods.
b) Recurring task – information will be repeated at the time interval specified by you.

Set the information period:
a) For a single piece of information – select the start date and deadline from the calendar
b) For recurring information – select the day from the calendar and set the remaining parameters

Add the name of the information and describe its content in detail.

After filling in all the fields, click "Save". The information will be created, and all assigned employees will be notified in their applications.

Thanks to the Task Manager, you have all the information and tasks of your employees gathered in one place, which facilitates management and work organization.

Updated on: 31/07/2024

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