Articles on: Using Proplanum as a manager

Do I need to inform an employee individually about a replacement made?

As a Location Manager or Supervisor, you have the ability to organize replacements for scheduled shifts. Proplanum facilitates this process by automatically informing employees of any changes.

Automatic Notifications

After finding a replacement for an employee, you do not need to individually inform them of the change. Proplanum will do it for you. The system will automatically send a notification about the replacement to the appropriate person as soon as you publish the changes in the schedule.

Additional Notifications

However, if you wish, you can additionally inform the employee about the replacement via the built-in chat in the application. Simply write and send a short message with information about the replacement. The employee will receive a notification about this message in their Proplanum application.

Proplanum automatically informs employees about replacements, eliminating the need for individual notifications. You can additionally inform employees using the built-in chat, but it is not necessary.
Thanks to automatic notifications in Proplanum, managing replacements becomes simpler and more efficient, allowing for quick and smooth organization of work.

Updated on: 31/07/2024

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